My sisters keeper:
- Sad but happy
- A bit angry
- Greatful
Active audience Can choose what we want to watch. (Watch horror movies to make us scared, watch comedys to make us laugh)
4 different needs:
- Surveillance (awearness)
- Personal Identity (rolde models, who we are)
- Perosnal relstionships (We can form relationship with media, characters)
- Diversion (Escapism)
Dominant- Audience agree with the message and ideology. Will view the message in the way the producer wanted them to.
Negotiated- Compramise between the dominant and oppositional readings. Audience agrees with the producer but also have thier input.
Oppositional- The audience rejects the preffered reading and creates thier own reading. Audience rejects the meaning fully.
How may an audience have a dominant undertanding of your product?
- Clear messages
- Audience is the same age so relates to product
- From the same culture
- Easy to understand the narrative.
- Audience may not have had the same life experiences
- May not understand the narrative
- Product has controversial themes
- Disagree with messages in the video
- Dislike the genre
Misinterpretation- miss the point.
- We have choice now
- We have opinions
- Earliest theory
- propaganda of WW1(effects)
- Influences
- More channels on TV now
- Mass hysteria
1930's radio broadcast 'War of the worlds' was performed like a real news broadcast to heighten the effect of the story, people thought it was real and assumed mars had come to invade the world. (Passive audience)
Not everyone consumes media in the same way. Audiences are not simply passive as proved by up to date theories.
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